Fingringhoe Wick

Distance: 3.8km
Ascent: 60m
Duration: 3 Hours

Today we headed to the Essex coast to have a wonder around Fingringhoe Wick nature reserve which is owned and managed by the Essex Wildlife Trust and has a small visitor centre, café and lots of hides around the Colne Estuary and numerous lakes and pools.

A Redshank down on the estuary mudflats.

Two Grey Plovers.

Hundreds of birds by the waters edge. The large mass of darker birds are all Golden Plover.

Looking down the estuary towards the Golden Plover.

A wreck down on the beach outside one of the hides.


Little Egret feeding in one of the channels.

Teal on the edge of one of the larger lakes.


Lackford Lakes


Foxearth Meadows