Easedale Tarn
Distance: 16.2km (5.6 Miles to Easedale Tarn and Back, 10.06 Miles including the trip to Greenburn)
Ascent: 437m (1434ft)
Duration: 5 Hours 43 Minutes
With a tiny break in the weather we decided to walk to to Easedale Tarn and although it wasn’t going to rain much today, the wind was forecast at 70mph on the summits and near the tarn it was easily 50mph gusts. I also took an extension into Greenburn to see some of the waterfalls.
The path to Easedale Tarn is well signposted from Grasmere.
Helm Crag.
Only 1 mile to go…
Sourmilk Gill in spate.
One of the waterfalls on the way up.
All was very windy at Easedale Tarn.
Now over in Greenburn to see the waterfalls there.
Waterfalls along Greenburn.
The last of the waterfalls about half way along the valley.