
Distance: 6.00km (3.73 Miles)
Ascent: 554m (1818ft)
Duration: 2 Hours 15 Minutes

An afternoon on Dodd. The weather was superb with stunning views to the surrounding fells and Scotland.

I'm not sure if this much sunshine was forecast today, but we made the most of it with a nice walk up to nearby Dodd. We didn't know what the views would be like from the top, but were not disappointed! We had some of the best views for a while!

I'm not sure if this much sunshine was forecast today, but we made the most of it with a nice walk up to nearby Dodd. We didn't know what the views would be like from the top, but were not disappointed! We had some of the best views for a while!

This is the view from the roadside parking in Millbeck - looking towards the Newlands Valley.

This is the view from the roadside parking in Millbeck - looking towards the Newlands Valley.

Catbells on the left with Maiden Moor just behind. Dale Head and Hindscarth on the skyline and little Swinside in the foreground.

Catbells on the left with Maiden Moor just behind. Dale Head and Hindscarth on the skyline and little Swinside in the foreground.

A truly stunning view just a couple of minutes into the walk.

A truly stunning view just a couple of minutes into the walk.

The same view from higher up, still just as grand.

The same view from higher up, still just as grand.

The summit memorial on Dodd with Bassenthwaite behind.

The summit memorial on Dodd with Bassenthwaite behind.

Carl Side and Skiddaw Little Man from Dodd.

Carl Side and Skiddaw Little Man from Dodd.

A stunning Panorama from the summit of Dodd looking to Scotland and Bassenthwaite Lake.

A stunning Panorama from the summit of Dodd looking to Scotland and Bassenthwaite Lake.

The Scottish hills way beyond nearby Bassenthwaite Lake. I'm not sure of the actual distance, but there is probably 30 miles between the two.

The Scottish hills way beyond nearby Bassenthwaite Lake. I'm not sure of the actual distance, but there is probably 30 miles between the two.

Another stunning photo of Lakeland from the viewpoint on Dodd.

Another stunning photo of Lakeland from the viewpoint on Dodd.

A Jet flying past on the descent.

A Jet flying past on the descent.

Derwent Water and the Vale of Keswick on the descent.

Derwent Water and the Vale of Keswick on the descent.


Sparkling Bassenthwaite Lake.


Looking up to Dodd. The path you can see just behind the trees at the bottom is the one we used to descend.

One last view of the North Western Fells with Grisedale Pike looking far higher than the rest of them (Which it isn't, although it is high!)

One last view of the North Western Fells with Grisedale Pike looking far higher than the rest of them (Which it isn't, although it is high!)

The path back to the car. You can see the Bracken is really starting to come up high now. Not too much longer and we'll be fighting through it!

The path back to the car. You can see the Bracken is really starting to come up high now. Not too much longer and we'll be fighting through it!


Raven Crag

