Blencathra via Sharp Edge
Distance: 12.8km - 7.58 Miles
Ascent: 1022m (3352ft)
Duration: 4 hours 40 Minutes
An awesome walk up to the summit of Blencathra via Sharp Edge and down along Blease Fell.
Clough Head from the start of the ascent.
Great Mell Fell and the Pennines.
And again from slightly further along the path.
Our first sight of Sharp Edge. Our chosen route of ascent.
Close up of Sharp Edge.
The path up to Scales Tarn.
Sharp Edge.
Approaching Sharp Edge.
Looking up Sharp Edge, probably the most famous place on Blencathra.
Walking across the edge.
Looking back to Sharp Edge and Scales Tarn.
The view from the summit. Thirlmere to the left and Derwent Water to the right.
Scotland beyond the Solway Firth.
Halls Fell Ridge.
Coming down Blease Fell.
Almost at the bottom with a lovely view to St Johns in the Vale.
Looking up Halls Fell Ridge to the summit.