Back Tor

Distance: 15.8km (9.81 Miles)
Ascent: 388m (1273ft)
Duration: 4 Hours 35 Minutes

After such beautiful weather yesterday it was a bit disappointing to have very low cloud and a grey dreary day today. I still went on a good walk up to Back Tor and Dovestone Tor, two places I have never been before and would definitely go back to again in better weather!

Starting down by Ladybower Reservoir.

A nice view down to the reservoir.

Bamford Edge.

A 372m summit of Ladybower Tor.

Ladybower Reservoir.

A view down to the A57 Bridge up to Snake Pass.

The 481m summit of Wheel Stones.

Impressive rock formations at Wheel Stones.

The trig on the summit of Back Tor.

A view back to Back Tor from Lost Lad.

Howshaw Tor.

The summit of Lost Lad.

A view to Ladybower Reservoir.

Down by the lakeshore.

A final view back to Bamford Edge.


The Great Ridge


Chrome Hill & Parkhouse Hill