Ill Bell

Wainwright - The Far Eastern Fells
Height: 757m (2483ft)
Prominence: 124m (407ft)
Times Summited: 2

One of the large summit cairns on Ill Bell with Yoke behind and way in the distance is Morecambe Bay. To the right is a section of Windermere.

One of the large summit cairns on Ill Bell with Yoke behind and way in the distance is Morecambe Bay. To the right is a section of Windermere.

Ill Bell as seen from Yoke.

Ill Bell as seen from Yoke.

The summit cairns on Ill Bell with a view south to Windermere and Morecambe Bay.

The summit cairns on Ill Bell with a view south to Windermere and Morecambe Bay.


Ill Bell as seen from near the summit of Froswick.


Hopegill Head


Illgill Head